Adventures of Crankenpants

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's your life. And this is mine.

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 7.2
Mind: 6.8
Body: 7.7
Spirit: 6.8
Friends/Family: 6.2
Love: 8.2
Finance: 7.8
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Sunday, November 20, 2005

It's what's for dinner.

I love this recipe I made it up all by myself and make it several times a month. It's not really that hard to figure it out but I'm not really a throw it all together without a plan type of cooker so this was new for me. And since Joshi is handling dairy so much better now he really likes it too and Steve AKA I don't like pasta, even has seconds. So with out further ado here it is.

Two or three cooked in olive oil and garlic cubed chicken breasts
Three cups of macaroni noodles
One cup of basil pesto
One cup of Parmesan cheese

After draining the pasta well add back into pot with chicken, pesto and cheese. Mix well and serve with a spinach leaf and vinaigrette salad. And don't forget your favorite wine.

If you make this let me know how it goes or if you have any improvements. You could also leave the the chicken whole and place it on the pasta pesto and cheese mix. I just like things hot dish style.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Christmas Presents

I have the urge to buy this for someone. Hehehehehehehehe!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Over the river.

Well tomorrow Josh and I are going to my aunt and uncles house for my grandmothers Christmas before she heads down to Texas. Whooha! I don't think my siblings and I have been in the same car together in over five years. We'll see who screams first. (I bet Allison!)

I have been wondering lately if I should try to seek out a new group of mommies to hang out with. As the kidos in my current group get older, the parenting styles of us mommies is getting more and more different. First it was crying at night. Now it's weaning. Soon it will be spanking. Sigh. I feel like I'm in high school again and I'm not quiet in the inner circle of the group. I don't know, maybe it's just my shyness I have yet to beat down. But I do wish for more like minded and spiritual group. But as I long for a group I can feel more involved in, and more equal with, I know in the back of my mind I will also want to run away from it. It's a strange feeling not wanting to say, good bye I have to leave, not because I don't want to leave. But because I do. Really really bad, I need to run away and hide. Hmmmm, maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's SAD. Maybe it's me and I need something else. Is it fear that keeps the desperately wanting to be accepted side of myself from feeling truly attached to my peers. Fear that someone will see the lazy messy unmotivated judgmental person. I hate having to be picky about my friends. I'm not even sure what friendship should look like. Should it be fluid, flexible, always different and exciting, or solid and dependable and unchanging? See I don't know! I don't know if I've ever known how to be a friend. I'm not sure if I can be the fluid, flexible, different and exciting, solid dependable friend that never changes. I know I've changed. I've become set in my ways. I have my life my routine. Do I really need to upset that with friends? Should I set my inner hermit on the front steps to keep people away or tie him up and stick him in the closet? I feel like I have a split personality. Which wacko is the real me? And can I choose?

And then there is Josh. Oh boy is he going to be a talker. He speaks his baby language like a motivational speaker. With gestures and inflection and tone and body language. As far as I can tell he is taking about his world and his relation to everything and what he is going to do. I want to squeeze him to bits. He can say Ah oh and ditty ditty for kitty kitty and chckin for chicken and dox for socks. He is also doing well with the signs, he signs more and kitty and puppy and bye bye and nursey and bath. We are working on owie so he can tell us if his teeth are bothering him. Right now he is working his way through a cold. Almost done hopefully snot free by next monday. Cuz the kleenex are running low.