Adventures of Crankenpants

Friday, March 17, 2006

Take my brain cuz I'm not using it.

Ugh. Granted it was the second, (third?) thing I went to do this morning, but instead of putting Joshi's much needed diapers on a second rinse and adding vinagar, I put more detergent in instead. So now I have to wait for that cycle to end do the final rinse and then put the diapers in the dryer on low for ten minutes so I can have dry pockets sometime this morning. Then wait the two dryer cycles for the stuffers to be dry. Meanwhile I'm hoping that Joshi can hold his morning poop until later this afternoon when I have wipes to clean him up with. Until then no liquids for the little boy. All of this could have been avoided if, instead of forgeting everything when I step into the light of the dinning room, I would remember what needs to be done once Josh goes to sleep.


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