Adventures of Crankenpants

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Thunder in the Vicinity

I hate rain on the weekends.

Ok time to flesh out the outline I had going.

The Zoo.
Loved it. We went to the Minnesota Zoo last Sunday with Steve's family. Joshi loved looking at the animals. I wore him on my back most of the time so he could see everything. We saw the dolphins and the sharks and the bird show. The reef tank was cool. Lots of Dori fish.

The car ride home.
We stayed till about 9:30 at Cara and Chris's new house and I nursed Joshi to sleep in the carseat and he woke up about an hour later and cried the rest of the way home. It was fun. Hope he's better with traveling in a car by the time we want to go anywhere long distance.

The Party.
Joshi's party went well. He got lots of musical stuff and blocks and his favorite by far was the wagon my parents gave him. He loves to sit in it and push it and stand in it. Which make walks hard for us. Maybe he'll like to surf when he is older. The cake didn't go over too well. So there was no smearing of frosting followed by bathing in the sink. But we do have pictures of an unhappy baby with cake in front of him. Joshi's cousins were very much into handing the presents to Joshi. Can't wait until he realizes the fun of opening gifts and we have four kids who love presents on our hands at Christmas and birthdays. All and all a good first party but we forgot to get a cousin picture. Oh well there's always Christmas.

The breastfeeding.
As mentioned before, I figured out how to nurse with Joshi in a carseat. Oh boy does that hurt after awhile. I have to sit forward fighting the seatbelt pulling me back, twist to one side or the other, and pull the carseat towards me a bit. So my back hurt and my arms cramped up. AND it didn't help Joshi go back to sleep. It was a big whoop-dee-doo.

Diaper changing.
I forgot what I was going to say here. Maybe something about changing Joshi's diapers is much like trying to put a diaper on a cat. Yes, I have tried. It's hard.

My Feet.
I think my feet are going through menopause. I get feet hot flashes. I swear I could cook with the bottom of my feet they feel so hot sometimes. I have to rip off my shoes and stand in the cold tub to make them feel better. It's really bad at night when sticking them out of the covers doesn't help. They should make cool gel packs for your feet. I would buy them.

I don't want to write about my face.

Steve is bringing home a dvd I am so excited.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Just an outline

Hopefully I will get around to filling this in but I'm putting it here so I don't forget what I want to write about.

The zoo.
The car ride home.
The party.
The breastfeeding.
The diaper changing.
The car seat.
My feet.
My face.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

It's your party

We are soon headed over to my parents for Joshi's first birthday party. Whoo Hoo!

Food family and presents. I hope it goes well. Joshi has been in a mood the past few days and cried for no reason in the grocery store for the first time yesterday. He is normally a very good shopper. But he had to have that can of frosting yesterday. We had a couple of days of strange very outgoing Joshi that was a joy to behold he went to complete strangers and didn't care. But alas I think it was a breif respite between teeth coming in that was the reason for the good mood. Because Crankenpants is back. And he only takes an hour nap for the whole day.

Joshi has also learned that the world is his to climb. He can get on top of my hope chest and he has figured out how to stand on top of his little chair he got from Grandma. He likes to try and put his leg over the back of the chair while standing. It very cute, yet scary to see. He also has his first hair cut on Wednesday. I did it all by myself and it looks pretty good I think. He look even more like his Daddy now. I have also found out that Joshi can't digest peas and tomatos. MMMMMM fun diaper changes.

The doctors appointment went well too. He is 20.4 lbs. 15% and 30in. 60% and everything looks good. Except his right eye. I mentioned that when he cries that his right eye turns out. We go to see the opthamologist on Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Num-ber One, Num-ber One, NummmmmmberONE!

Happy First Birthday Joshi! My birthday wish for you is your teeth stop bothering you and you'll not be cranky.

Love Mom.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Joshi Update

Joshi is doing well with the walking. On his KNEES!

Now back to your regularly scheduled reading.

I hate it

I hate calling people really, really hate it.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I blah, you blah, everyone blah blah.

I feel blah. I have all this stuff I want to do, stuff I have to do, and stuff I don't want to do. I feel underwhelmed by my life. The walls in my house are irking me to no end.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Poopy pants

Well since I haven't been able to use my wordpress site for a while I guess this will do.

The server our sites were on got hacked and now what I wrote about is gone. Lots of fun.

I watched some of the news last night and it kept me awake. I can not imagine what people are going through in the gulf coast. The only way I can try to relate to it is to put myself in that situation. And that is what kept me up. What would I be doing if we were stranded. Especially with an infant. Would we have enough food and water in the house if we had to stay here for a week? Probably not. How would we take care of Josh. What if one of us was hurt. Would we be able to make it to higher ground, like my parent's house? I feel so bad.

Josh has started walking. The look on his face is priceless. It's a combination what the hell is going on and I am hot stuff. Too cute. He also walks with his arms out in front of him and Steve says he looks like a zombie going after braaaaaaaiiins. He is also working on more teeth. He gets so mad and upset at things right before one cuts. It's the end of the world if things don't go his way and the things he wants that will make him happy change every two minutes. I think he is going to be like his mother and not handle his emotions well. That and yelling at other drivers. I know bad mommy.

Josh's birthday party is coming up supose I should get stuff for it wraping paper and plates and stuff. It should be fun 17 or so people crammed into my parents house and four of them people 6 and under. I will need to make a cake too. I am strangly ambivelant about it. I'm going to miss my baby.