Adventures of Crankenpants

Friday, October 28, 2005


Anyone know how to get a 13 month old to blow his nose? He doesn't even have to do it by himself. I just want to have him be able to get more snot out! Colds are fun and I'm getting it too.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tell me about it!

You know that little gnome everyone has in their house that hides the car keys, glasses and cell phones? It's not really a gnome it's toddlers. Cranky beings you will hand anything over to just to get them to stop bitting your knees. Oh look here's a set of jingly keys for you to play with. Next thing you know it's time to leave the house before you lose you mind from staring at the same walls you've been looking at since you were eight. (That's 17.5 years subtracting the time lived elsewhere as an adult.) And you can't find the oh so jingly keys you gave the tantrum gods. Or, or the shiney cell phone that beeps and lights up will now only dial 7 and thats if you can actually use it to make a call after finding by listening to the low battery beep. (BEEEP "What was that?" "Oh that's just the phone dialing 7 because it's been sucked on" "I see.")

Do you ever get the feeling your going nuts. Not really nuts, but nuts like they prortray in the movies. Strange noises that aren't there. Weird things going through you head, trying to convince yourself your not really going crazy. Am I the only one who hears the phone ringing while rocking in the recliner? Only to stop and listen and it's not ringing. I hate that! Are you talking to me while I run the water for the dishes? (Which I REALLY need to do by the way.)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

There everywhere!

There are five pregnant women around me. One of them is my sister. Whooo hooo Ally! I am so glad I can viacariously live through her pregnancy because, man I want me another baby. Come on everone's doing it. Don't you want to have more? Oh yes please! My baby is up and walking full time and he's loving it. I took him to the mall with a friend last week and he practiced his running away from mommy giggle. So cute, yet scarey. Fall is in full force here this week only five days after being near 90. Gotta love weather. I need to rake up the slow falling leaves this month so they aren't constantly being blown into the house all winter long.

We have Joshi's holloween costume. It's a monkey he looks so cute in it. It will be fun to take him to Steve's work and show him off there.