Adventures of Crankenpants

Thursday, March 30, 2006


My mom just called and wanted to know if I wanted to see my brothers cat. As in should she bring him over for a visit after his vet appointment. Mmmmmhmmm.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cha cha cha changes

I might get a new house. IF things fall into place and IF I can stand the next two years of rental stuff. So to help myself remember why a new house would be great, I've decided to list all the reasons I hate my current one.

1. I've lived here for almost 18 years. I need something of my own that I pick out.
2. I have to go into the unheated basement to take a shower. I need more heat in the place where I bathe everyday.
3. This house is too conducive to having other people live with us. Of the five years we've lived here we've maybe had 6 months of it to ourselves at a time.
4. The kitchen needs to be bigger. Yes new cabinets will help but still it needs to be bigger.
5. Too many windows. On this one and half story house there are 25 windows. 25! And the view ain't that great.
6. "Someone" and they know who they are, drywalled the hallway ceiling in the basement. So there is no way of fixing the creeky floor in the dining room from below. Thanks.
7. As beautiful as solid oak single paneled doors can look, they are loud. Loud to open, loud to close.
8. The hardware on said doors never quiet latches all the time and if they do they jiggle and the cat enjoys making noise with them.
9. You have to go through the kitchen to come in from the back door. Who thought that up.
10. The layout if wacked. The "master bedroom" shares a wall with the living room. So TV watching can't be that loud at night.
11. There's a window in the bathroom, over the tub. Why why why why why?
12. The backyard is unfence-able.
13. The garage needs to be hit by lightning.
14. The driveway is gravel.
15. The driveway is sloped and has walls.
16. The driveway turns into a marsh in the spring and fall.
17. The two oak trees in front are pushing up the front stairs and sidewalk to dangerous levels.
18. The two oak trees routinely push roots into the sewer line.
19. The upstairs ceiling doesn't have enough space at the right height to be considered bedrooms.
20. The counter height in the kitchen can't be raised because of a window.
21. The backyard has power lines running down the middle of it. Right where a play house would go.

Yes I know I should be happy that I have a house and grateful for the deal my parents gave us on it. And I am, but I struggle with wanting to be in a place where I'm happy and can do the things I want to, and being happy and content with where I am. But it's turning to things everyday that bother me. Like just when Josh is going to start wanting a bike to ride, the street and sidewalk with be torn up for most of the year. Or how can you give the dog space to be in the yard and do his thing and have two kids playing out there too. Or the neighbors who won't let you get your painting and raking done without talking your ears off about something you could care less about. Or the dog next door who because the father goes to work at 6:30 gets let out to bark away at the same time. Or the people two doors down you could swear are shooting .22s in their conveniently fenced yard. Or the boyfriend of the girl across the street, whose car he thinks should be on pimp your ride, drives up everyday, three or four time a day. Ok enough. But still if a vacation can change your life how much can living in a place you are happier with do for you?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Take my brain cuz I'm not using it.

Ugh. Granted it was the second, (third?) thing I went to do this morning, but instead of putting Joshi's much needed diapers on a second rinse and adding vinagar, I put more detergent in instead. So now I have to wait for that cycle to end do the final rinse and then put the diapers in the dryer on low for ten minutes so I can have dry pockets sometime this morning. Then wait the two dryer cycles for the stuffers to be dry. Meanwhile I'm hoping that Joshi can hold his morning poop until later this afternoon when I have wipes to clean him up with. Until then no liquids for the little boy. All of this could have been avoided if, instead of forgeting everything when I step into the light of the dinning room, I would remember what needs to be done once Josh goes to sleep.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Something's in the water.

I am now proud (well sort of) to announce that there will be another crankenpants in the family on or around the middle of October. May be I will have the baby on my sister's birthday. The actual due date is Friday the Thirteenth. Whoo hoo. Just like my sister's due date is 6-6-06 kinda creepy don't ya think. So any way this makes me one of five other friends or relatives that are pregnant right now. So yeah don't be drinking the water in my area for awhile.

On other news Joshi had his first stomach bug a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to run away. Marathon nursing and no eating and very little drinking for a week. And once the poopies stopped the screaming started. Almost nonstop for a week. We've implemented a nursing schedule and that has helped so much. Now along with a molar in he's back to normal.
We get daily baby jargon speeches. It's like having a politition in the house. And he's back to helping with things and insisting we take our dirty dishes to the kitchen. And we get to take many walks around the dinning room table. He has also taken to Steve more. Steve can barely get in the door and Josh is all over him. Steve can't even go to the bathroom alone. Hahahaha welcome to my world. I have no sympathy. Really none. At all. Not even a little.

I have had to watch my mood lately unfortunately. It's hard to tell if it's the hormones or if it's me or the damn weather. Stupid snow. I have an intense fear of the phone and the answering machine. I hate that it blinks at me how many messages I need to listen to. What if I don't want to hear from anybody. If you leave a message on my machine I find you somewhat irritating. So don't. Sorry I can't handle it. But it will build character, blah blah blah blah. Um yeah I still don't what to. Character building from listening to incomprehensible messages is not what I'm looking for right now. Maybe a character building from figuring out how to spend lottery winnings. But since I don't buy them Steve can and I will help with the figuring. Does that count?